Cloverleaf Integration Engine Training

Remote and Onsite Cloverleaf Training – Levels 1/2/3 and Tcl

When and how customers attend Cloverleaf training will vary depending on the learner’s background and experience. Having an experienced Cloverleaf developer finally getting around to attending formal classes is as common as a new hire requiring initiation into the realm of Cloverleaf. The recommendations below apply as general rules for customers coming in new to Cloverleaf. 

For customers new to Cloverleaf, we recommend the following classes at the following intervals:

Education Course Name Recommended Timing
Developing Cloverleaf Networks – Basics At the time of implementation, usually recommended by consulting services.
Developing Cloverleaf Networks – Intermediate Any time following the Tcl course
Developing Cloverleaf Networks – Advanced At least twelve months after the Intermediate course
Programming with Tool Command Language (Tcl) Two to three months following the Basics course

The reason for the recommended timing is to allow students to go back and practice their skills in the real world before attempting the next level. It is strongly recommended that anyone taking the Advanced course to have completed the Intermediate level training and has had at least one year of hands-on experience dealing with robust Cloverleaf implementation concepts and work.

Cloverleaf: Developing Cloverleaf Networks Basics

This course covers an introduction to the tools that are available in Cloverleaf to create and configure networks.

To optimize your learning experience, it is recommended that you have the following knowledge prior to attending this course:

  • Basic mouse and keyboard functions.
  • Basic Windows directories and functions.
  • HL7 and other common healthcare message formats is helpful, but not required.
  • Basic machine integration concepts.
Cloverleaf: Developing Cloverleaf Networks – Intermediate

This course covers the tools available in Cloverleaf®; to create and configure networks, including different types of User Points of Control (UPoCs).

Prerequisite courses
  • Cloverleaf: Developing Cloverleaf Networks – Basic
  • Cloverleaf: Programming with Tool Command Language (Tcl)
Prerequisite knowledge
  • Proficiency with Cloverleaf basics—experience with the Cloverleaf Graphical User Interface (GUI), building basic networks, including creating threads and routes, creating message formats and translations
  • Basic mouse and keyboard functions
  • Basic Windows® directories and functions
  • Health Level Seven ® (HL7) and other common healthcare message formats is helpful, but not required
  • Basic machine integration concepts
  • Tcl programming experience—string and list commands at minimum
Cloverleaf: Developing Cloverleaf Networks – Advanced

This course expands on principles learned in the Cloverleaf: Basics and Cloverleaf: Intermediate classes and introduces advanced principles of designing, implementing, and managing Cloverleaf networks. This training is for version 19.1 and all previous versions. The final exam for this course is administered by the instructor on the last day of class. Our own Cloverleaf certification exams are not available outside of an instructor-led training event.

Prerequisites: Cloverleaf: Implementation – Intermediate

Prerequisite knowledge

To optimize your learning experience, it is recommended that you have the following knowledge prior to attending this course:

  • Knowledge of the Tcl scripting language
  • Ability to define Cloverleaf sites, transitions, and other configurations
  • Six months hands-on experience with Cloverleaf implementations
Cloverleaf: Programming with Tool Command Language (Tcl)

This course provides fundamental training for Tool Command Language (Tcl) functions and Cloverleaf extensions. It teaches the basic syntax of Tcl and its use within Cloverleaf. It is highly recommended that students have some prior programming or scripting.

Prerequisites: Cloverleaf Implementation – Basic

Prerequisite knowledge

To optimize your learning experience, it is recommended that you have the following knowledge prior to attending this course:

  • Proficiency with the Cloverleaf IDE tools
  • Prior programming or scripting experience
Further information request:
If you are interested in onsite or remote Cloverleaf Level 1, 2 or 3 training please fill out the form below or contact us at (850) 920-2728
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